
By the end of the lesson the learner should be able to:

     I.        Explain what an interview is

   II.        Discuss important points to note when attending an interview


An interview is a formal meeting where someone asks others questions in order to establish whether they are suitable for a job or certain course

The word has other meanings but we will use the above definition for the purposes of this lesson.

Interview oral skills

What to do before an interview (preparation)

·         Do research on relevant issues on the nature of your work in order to gain confidence. Research on the history of the organization, firm or institution or relevant general knowledge questions.

·         Rehearse before a mirror or in front of your few friends, correct any flaws you notice.

·         Arrange all your necessary documents in proper order to avoid gambling during the actual interview, this shows how ordered or organized you are.

·         Dress or groom appropriately for a formal job e.g. in the teaching or banking sector dress officially and decently. Avoid excessive make up , tight fitting clothes, too much perfume etc.

·         Conduct a pre-visit of the venue in order to familiarize or acclimatize. This may save time of asking for direction on the day of the actual interview.

·         Prepare some thoughtful honest questions you may ask the panelists.


Appropriate conduct during an interview


     I.        Arrive in good time. This will give you time to acclimatize and relax before you step into the boardroom to face the panel.

    II.        Wait for an invitation to enter the board room and when you are offered a seat say thank you sir or madam.

   III.        Use courteous words or polite language throughout the interview. Words like please excuse me or sorry show that you are good mannered, well bred and polite.

  IV.        Answer the questions honestly and confidently. While you are answering the questions be brief and precise.

   V.        Speak audibly. Project your voice. This shows that you are confident in your abilities. Do not come off as brash or conceited.

  VI.        Maintain meaningful eye contact with each member of the panel. Avoid staring.

 VII.        Maintain an upright sitting posture while slightly leaning forward. This shows that you are interested.


Signs of nervousness or anxiety

·         Shaking

·         Sweating

·         Inaudibility

·         Avoiding eye contact

·         Shuffling of feet  

·         Fumbling with objects 

·         Illogical flow of ideas 


Factors that may prevent you from getting hired or employed

1.  Lateness

2.  Poor dress or grooming

3.  Rudeness or impolite language

4.  Dishonesty

5.  Disorganisation or disorderliness 

6.  Lack of self confidence 

7.  Inaudibility

8.  Avoiding eye contact



Nafula attended an interview unfortunately she was not hired, what reasons might have led to this?

When responding to such a question, make your answer specific. For example, do not say poor dressing or grooming. Mention how Nafula was dressed e.g. her clothes may have been too tight, too short, revealing, or unofficial e.g. jeans and t-shirts

Always illustrate your answer.




    i.            You have been invited to a very important interview. Explain what you would need to do before the occasion that you look presentable (3mks).


  ii.        What else would you need to do before and during the interview  to ensure success (6mks) 

  Next we analyse oral skills notes on non-verbal skills.

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